Ideas Come From Everywhere

Marissa Mayer, Google's Vice President of Search Products & User Experience
Publicado em "The Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP) Entrepreneurship Corner"
Ver aqui a versão completa deste video.

Value Creation from Opportunities

Tina Seelig (Stanford Technology Ventures Program)
Publicado em "The Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP) Entrepreneurship Corner"
Ver aqui a versão completa deste video.

Take hold of your future - Customer and Consumer trends

Consumer trends and global issues - keynote for Siemens client event by Dr Patrick Dixon - conference speaker on how customers are changing, lifestyles and fashions. (link)

Social Enterprise Planning

"No Educator Left Behind", lecture by Mark Federman

"No Educator Left Behind" is the title of this lecture by Mark Federman. In it Federman contends that, as a result of the changes the internet has brought to the way students communicate and interact, universities, if they are to remain relevant, must move from the current model of education as skills centered to one that is more focused on connectivity. (link)

Applying Open Source Concepts to Non-software Industries

Outras comunicações realizadas na Seneca's Open Source Symposium in 2007

MIT OCW :: "How to Develop Breakthrough Products and Services" by ERIC VON HIPPEL

MIT OCW - 15.356 How to Develop "Breakthrough" Products and Services - Lec. 1

MIT OCW - 15.356 How to Develop "Breakthrough" Products and Services - Lec. 2

Eric von Hippel, MCPC2007 MIT Boston

Eric von Hippel MCPC2007 MIT Boston Part1

Eric von Hippel MCPC2007 MIT Boston Part2

Eric von Hippel MCPC2007 MIT Boston Part3

Eric von Hippel MCPC2007 MIT Boston Part4